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Welcome to Tinker Bear Boutique

Monday, October 5, 2009

We have a winner.... New Scavenger hunt....

Congrats to Shawnte!!!!!
You are our winner! I have emailed you to get some info.....

ImagiNAYtion Creations is busy in her shop, creating some "brew"tiful decor for Halloween. I spent this evening with her, and her new inventory, is building up, but also going fast!!!!!!

Here are a few of my favorite things she has, that she is selling this week in Mapleton at the Hobble Creek Barn Boutique, and hopefully she will have at our Trick or Treat bootique.

Our next clue is:
This vendor has these fabric belts... (posted above).
If your kids are like mine, I have a hard time finding pants to fit in the waist. I have never found any fashionable belts to fit my kids, until now....
A must have for every childs wardrobe!

Okay, first person to answer and comment with their email address wins our next prize...

Happy Surfing!


mandyyoung said...

Hi i found the fabric belts on the stinkin cute boutique blog!! Mandy Young

Tinker Bear said...


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